NEPAND 2022-2023 open positions:
President-elect (must be a current BOD member or actively involved in NEPAND)
Professional Education
Professional Education-elect
Nominating Chair-elect
Click here for more information on each position
Click here for the ballot sheet if interested in filling an open position
NEPAND Policies and Procedures
PA License
Do you want to mentor future dietitians?
Are you looking for some guidance as a dietetic intern or student?
NEPAND is seeking both mentors and mentees at this time.
Benefits of being a mentor? Click here to apply!
-> Have an affect on future dietitian career paths and practice
-> Create a relationship to reinforce your own knowledge
-> Enhance your Resume/CV
-> Improve your communication skills
Benefits of being a mentee? Click here to apply!
-> Learn new skills and ideas
-> Career direction assistance
-> Builds confidence