It's not too late to become a Member
you must be an Academy member in order to be a NEPAND member. All Academy members are automatically part of the State Academy level as well.
Learn more about the benefits of being a member HERE!
Northeast PA Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Check back soon for new events!
Renew Your LDN NOW!
You should have received a notification that the LDN license renewal period is open. Your renewal is available and can be accessed at www.pals.pa.gov
Login using the User ID and your password. If you do not remember your password, visit www.pals.pa.gov/recoverto recover your password.
You will receive your registration code in the renewal email.
The renewal fee is $71.
Please do not delay this process since you will not be able to renew your license after October 31, 2022. If you do not renew your license by this deadline, you will have to submit a reactivation application and meet all requirements before your license will be returned to active status.
Contact nepandbod@gmail.com with any questions.